Articles and FAQs about Yoghurt and how to make it.
Can I use Skim/Light Milk to make Greek style Yoghurt?
You can use Skim/Light/Trim milk to make Greek Yoghurt, however the outcome may not be as thick as expected...
Do I have to add sugar to my coconut yoghurt?
The sugar is what is feeding the yoghurt bacteria, without it there is no fermentation. All the delicious s...
Can I sweeten my yoghurt?
In order to sweeten your yoghurt, you can add sugar to your milk whilst heating. Or as an alternative, you ...
How long can yoghurt be kept in the fridge?
Yoghurt can be kept in the fridge for up to 3 weeks without any issues. Please note different milks and ho...
What milk is best to use when making Greek yogurt?
Fresh or UHT milks are both great. Try and get them as fresh as possible. UHT (ultra heat treated) milk oft...
Can I use baby formula to make yoghurt?
Yes you can, but note - the yoghurt will not be as thick as normal cow's milk as the curd is more fragile.
Why is my yoghurt not setting?
There are a few things that could impact the thickness of your yoghurt. If making coconut yoghurt: Make s...
Can I use an EasiYo maker?
Yes you can! It's a great incubator for making yoghurt. Please note - A common problem though is that peopl...
Can you use coconut powder to make yoghurt?
Yes, you can use coconut powder to make yoghurt. Just follow the rehydration instructions on your packet of...
How much milk to use for each sachet of yoghurt culture, can I reculture/reuse it?
Please ensure you check your yoghurt culture sachet for dosage instructions. But each sachet generally cult...